Magic Spells: Common Myths... And The Truth


Myth 1: Anyone who casts spells or practices magic must worship Satan. 

For those who follow witchcraft and enjoy casting spells, good and evil is definitely relevant. But what is important, is that every spell is carefully cast to be sure it would not harm anyone. In addition to that, the idea of "Satan" is actually a Christian construct. While there are dark energies and spirits, Satan is not included in the witch’s pantheon.

Hell itself is another product of Christianity and Wiccans do not believe in it. Wiccans and pagans cast good spells not evil ones because they know that evil is evil and what goes around eventually comes around. They do not want to hurt people, they want to love and protect people, and bring success to themselves and others.

Myth 2: Spells have visual and sound effects like in movies.

For Wicca followers and pagan believers, spells are like prayers for Christians. They are a way of communicating your intents and desires with the forces of nature in the universe. Spells are also a way of communicating with the gods and goddesses that inhabit our world so they can help us with our problems. 

Spells do not have noises of flashing lights like in movies. In fact, spells do not even have instant or obvious visual results. Usually it takes days or even weeks before you start to see effects of the spells you have cast. Spells could be about wealth, health, energy, peace and even love and all these things take time to happen.  

Myth 3.  Casting spells requires rare (or bizarre) materials.

You do not have to use rare and weird materials to cast spells. Witches and wizards would usually use natural materials like herbs, incense, candles, oils, flowers and leaves.  What is important is the emotion and the intent or you and your spells, not so much the physical objects you use. Using physical aids when casting your magic spells helps direct your energy towards your intended outcome.

Myth 4.  Spells backfire. 

Wiccans and pagan followers believe strongly in the Law of Threefold: this is basically, "whatever is done would return back in threefold". In this sense spells do not backfire, it just means that whatever is done will come back. Positive thoughts and wishes, and good intentions cannot create negative effects. 

Myth 5.  Spells can make things possible out of thin air. 

Spells help you turn possibilities into reality. They do not make miracles happen out of nowhere. A love spell cannot make a superstar singer fall in love with you, and a money spell will not turn you into an instant millionaire. But they will help you to get what you want over time, sometimes a very short time (a few days) and sometimes longer.

Why Magic Spells Fail To Work - 5 Top Reasons


Why do magic spells fail? Experts say there are many factors that contribute to spells not working.

Reason 1:  

Casting magic spells is all about directing your internal magical and spiritual energy towards one goal. If your mind is clouded, it could result in a confusing energy which can prevent what you desire from happening. Basically your mind should be "in sync" with the spell you are casting.  

Discipline is important. Concentration and focus are crucial when performing your invocations, and you must align your intent with the universe and its energy. This focus and concentration may be difficult to achieve when you begin practicing magic, but it will come with practice.

Reason 2:

Some spell-casters say that one of the major reasons why spells do not work is simply down to experience. This may be the experience of the person who crafted the spell itself, but it is also down to the experience of the person who is casting the spell. Casting spells is not just about reading the incantation; it is also about studying the occult and channeling your energy and exerting your power on the universe to bend it to your will.

Reason 3:

If you are using the wrong spells and the wrong materials, you will not see any success. Unfortunately, spell casting and magic is a very personal practice. There are some spells which may not work for you, but may work very well for someone else.

Although, you should also consider that they may not be working for you because you may lack concentration and focus while casting the spell (see Reason #2). You could also write your own spells but doing so is not easy, and it could even be dangerous. If you don't know anything about magic or you're not having success with other people's spells, I would not recommend writing your own.

Reason 4:

Strong belief in magic and the spells you are casting, and unlimited patience are important in magic. A witch or wizard should believe in his or her spell, and if not, why should the universe believe you and grant your wishes?

You must be patient. Magic does not usually happen overnight. Sometimes it will work in days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months. If nothing happens after that time, it could be that the spell failed or that the spell was rejected, or that you cast it wrong. But you must give it time.

Reason 5:

Another reason why spells do not work can be because of the negativity surrounding the caster. Negative energy definitely affects the outcome. You must remove any and all negative thoughts before casting. Performing spells in private to avoid public scrutiny helps deflect negative energies and improve your chances of success.

White Magic Spells - Different Types Of Spell


From the name you can guess that white magic spells are performed purposes of good, not evil. Luckily, white magic actually has greater power than black magic cast for evil. Casting white magic can prevent, protect against, or even destroy any type of black magic, curses or hexes.

White magic spells are also cast to help solve problems with love, money, health, fertility, to counteract attacking incantations or protect against the evil eye amongst many other things.

Love spells 

The most popular branch of all white magic, is love spells. These are cast to bring back lost lovers, to attract someone new, to strengthen an existing love and other requests.

Love spells can also be used as protection. For example, to protect a marriage, or prevent divorce or separation. There are many dedicated spells to deal with individual and specific romantic situations, including break up, breaking love, marriage protection, lost love, soul mate, lust and even anti-lying spells.

Money spells

Second in terms of popularity to love spells, the other most frequently requested type of magic are money spells. Usually invoked specifically to solve financial problems, with proper spell casting money spells are very effective in drawing money towards you. Not only can money spells help you gain more money, but they can help you manage and organize the money you already have so it doesn't disappear.

Healing spells 

Healing spells deal mainly with situations related to health, illness, injury, pain and other health problems. They are used to help anyone suffering from illnesses that affects the person physically, mentally or emotionally. 

For example, they act on people who have undergone much stress, strife and trauma in the past but who cannot seem to come out of the other side. This type of magic invocation is amongst the most powerful magic available to white witches and wizards.

Fertility or pregnancy spells

For women who have lost all hope of having a baby, you can try a fertility spell to bring new hope. There are also incantations to help protect a pregnant woman from harm during her term and the birth itself. There are also further magic spells to which are used for the protection of young children after birth.

Evil eye protection

There will always be people who are jealous of you. As such, the jealous people don’t want others to be happy. They carry negative energies with them and they can harm you with those energies either by just being around you, or by deliberating casting negative spells against you. Fortunately real magic spells can counteract these attacks. There are also spells for removing curses or hexes that may have been aimed at you.